Aerogeneradores de minieolica

Adif to combine the small wind turbine and photovoltaic energies to generate its energy

Adif to combine the small wind turbine and photovoltaic energies to generate its energy
Data sheet

Equipment used for this installation

  • Campanillas Málaga
  • 3 Enair 70 220V
  • 3 WB SMA 5000W wind power inverters
  • 36 230W solar panels
  • 3 SB 3000 HF Solar Inverters
  • 3 12m white tubular towers
  • Days of Autonomy 5
  • Generator set support
  • Average wind speed 5 m / s
Wind power
Wind power

Wind data of daily, monthly and annual generation.

  • ANNUAL ENERGY: 5.105kWh/año
  • MONTHLY ENERGY: 425kWh/mes
  • OPERATING TIME: 92,2%%
  • DAILY ENERGY: 13,98kWh/día
  • (*Assuming correct wind speed)
Global results

Total and maximum generation.

  • Total wind 42,0kWh/día
  • Photovoltaic 34,2 kWh/día
  • Total wind 153,0kWh/día
  • Photovoltaic 40,5 kWh/día
Tabla de frequencias (%)
Direction Frecuencia Velocidad
N 4.00 6.50
NNE 2.00 5.00
NE 2.00 4.00
ENE 2.00 4.00
E 2.00 4.00
ESE 2.00 4.00
SE 2.00 5.00
SSE 2.00 6.50
S 4.00 7.00
SSW 7.50 7.00
SW 6.80 5.00
WSW 4.50 4.50
W 4.20 4.50
WNW 4.50 5.00
NW 7.00 7.00
NNW 8.00 7.50

Frequencies Rose (%)

Speeds Rose (m/s)

Adif to combine the small wind turbine and photovoltaic energies to generate its energy

ADIF, within its corporate plan focused on the efficiency and energy development of its facilities, requested a thorough study of energy and its efficiency from Enair through Andel SA. This study showed the need to combine the mini wind turbine and photovoltaic energies to optimise the cycles for energy generation in 24 hour periods. The combination of these two technologies is distributed so that a constant generation cycle is maintained both day and night, with solar energy being the main diurnal generator and the mini wind turbine the main source of night generation.

Las principales características de esta instalación es que ambas fuentes generadores,  se conectan a la red trifásica de forma que cada fase lleva un inversor solar y otro eólico. El reparto de las potencias entre la fotovoltaica y aerogenerador por cada una de las fases, refuerza y equilibra la red interna para el autoconsumo directo, sin necesidad de baterías ya que toda la generación es absorbida por la red interna.  Además como proyecto de I+D+I el sistema de renovables mixto será el responsable de autoabastecer un punto de carga del Coche Eléctrico.

The main characteristics of this installation is that both generator sources are connected to the three-phase grid so that each phase carries a solar inverter and a wind turbine. The distribution of the power between the photovoltaic and the wind turbine for each of the phases, reinforces and balances the internal network for direct self-consumption, without the need for batteries since all generation is absorbed by the internal network. In addition, as an R & D project the mixed renewable system will be responsible for a self-sufficient charging point for an Electric Car.

The whole renewable energy installation is managed by ENAIR, it features monitoring, remote control and daily publications on the Internet of all its data and parameters, which allow the obtainment of clear and transparent information on the production and efficiency of it at all times, thanks to SMA technology.

The photovoltaic plant of 15 kW together with the 15 kW maximum power of the mini wind turbine, ensures that the total of the installation produces more than 150 kwh / day,  distributed between the solar and the mini wind turbine energy.


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